Top 5 Internet Providers in San Clemente, CA (Nov 2021)

Internet Access in San Clemente, California

The average San Clemente census block is served by an average of 2.89 broadband providers. This means that a majority of houses within city limits have a minimum of 2 choices for Internet service.

Cable TV and Internet providers like Cox Communications and DSL providers like AT&T Internet are the primary broadband network types available around San Clemente.

We should note that since FCC data is currently only tallied up twice annually and only published six months after, data shown here may have minor inaccuracies. This page incorporates direct provider reporting to help fix this issue.

Viasat Internet and HughesNet are San Clemente’s primary wired Internet options.

Aside from the Internet options listed above, Cox Communications provides a third option for wired broadband in 98 percent of San Clemente.
