Developer Velocity | Microsoft Azure

Your Developer Velocity quick check status is: Very Low

Consider investing in these areas:

Public-cloud adoption: Companies in the top quartile of public-cloud adoption have Developer Velocity scores that are 32 percent higher than companies in the bottom quartile. By comparison, a partial shift returns significantly less benefit: companies in the third quartile gain only a 2 percent Developer Velocity score advantage over the lowest adopters.

Open source/inner source: For organizations that already have a strong Developer Velocity score, open-source adoption is a major accelerator. The data shows that for companies that are in the top quartile for Developer Velocity, adoption of open source has three times the impact on innovation compared with companies in other quartiles.

Development tools: The number one driver of business performance is best-in-class developer tools. Organizations with strong tools are 65 percent more innovative and have 47 percent higher developer satisfaction and retention rates than those in the lowest quartile for Developer Velocity.

Low-code/no-code tools: Business users outside of IT are now building applications using low-code and no-code tools. Companies that empower teams—regardless of their coding ability—with these technologies score 33 percent higher on innovation compared with companies in the bottom quartile for Developer Velocity.

Organization’s culture: Organizations that enable software teams to experiment, fail, and learn in a safe environment see consistently better results.

To get a more comprehensive review and recommendations, take the full Developer Velocity Assessment.

This information is based on the McKinsey & Company report Developer Velocity: How software excellence fuels business performance. Download the report to learn more.
