chinese wholesale sites china wholesale vendors

hi this is tony from do

you know yumaki do you know canton fair

so do you know you fair today i will

guide you to

you fair today is 2021 october 21 let’s


don’t forget to subscribe to my channel

now so you can get my video

a day every week


and now we will stay in line to resist

to into the eu fair

okay now

a lot of people they register

and get a car

then you can have this register

to enter the fair

okay because my college already applying

for me so they already get the id card

for me

okay so this is my id card for the



comment attends up




okay here have a map

to show this time the ufo what is half

okay now i have a b c d e error the a

one is the chinese


hardware tools

b1 is hardware tools

c1 is standard things

i don’t know what’s that

okay and this one is for the hardware

and some group show

here is the electronic and hardware so

mostly it’s the hardware

okay let’s see the second floor

so we have the toys i see the toy

stationary and the office supply

b2 is the daily use necessary sharing

okay the c3 is the daily necessary

craft decoration

and the d2 is the clothes and hat and


efficient error

woman fashionary

okay let’s go

keep watching

okay now we arrive the area of our

industry is the toys

okay here we have the chair he has the


here have the inflatable toys

here has the outdoor

blue dust

here have the party items

okay here we have the baby

baby items

this fair is not a big fair compared to

canton fair

it’s a small fare



here after water


water game toys



toys here we have the building blocks


now i found the pocket items

yeah they have stock

and this one is still popular this year

this is the pocket silicon

okay now we visit the old friends

so this video this factory video uh you

can have to check my another

youtube show

have the factory


the factory all kind of

the product

okay now we

have see a display

display Eleoem China Suppliers


all the display they make is the


this right now is very popular for the

supermarket people use

it’s eco-friendly and more easy to

to to visit more easy to


to take it to make it and the price is

also cheap


this surprise is making their

outdoor toys



the car


this is the right on car


now we come to arabi

so here have more daily use items

here have the


use items

you have the grass






the newsroom
