
November 2021 Announcements

Meeting News

For the most up-to-date meeting information go to

• Pathway to Serenity AFG, will have a Gratitude Meeting on Monday, November 15, 2021, at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 1825 Glendale Avenue at 7:30 PM. Bring a candle and your gratitude.

• BG Circle of Hope will be having a hybrid Gratitude Meeting Thursday, December 2nd at 7:30pm, Trinity United Methodist Church, 200 N Summit St., BG. Please join us, bring a battery candle and your gratitude. Districts of Toledo District Meetings

• The Next Two District meetings are: Thursday, November 4 Tuesday, December 7 The zoom link is available at Meetings start at 7:00pm. Committee meetings should be taken care of during the month and if there are any questions about them you can direct them to one of the District Reps at

• The Next Two OAC (Ohio Area Convention) planning meetings are 11/9 and 11/30. Both at 2 PM and via Zoom. This is open to all Alanon members interested in participating and getting involved. ID 875 8574 1584 PW 594352
